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VGC VR-N76 IP67 Waterproof Bluetooth APRS GPS Dual Band Walkie Talkie FM Two Way Radio

7 colors Waterproof VR-N76 Walkie Talkie With GPS Positioning Waterproof Bluetooth APRS Function Ham Two Way Radio

VGC Transparent VR-N76 Walkie Talkie With GPS IP67 Waterproof Bluetooth APRS Dual Band FM Two Way Radio

Transparent color Waterproof VR-N76 Walkie Talkie With GPS Positioning Waterproof Bluetooth APRS Function Ham Two Way Radio

UV-4R DMR Radio Digital Walkie Talkie Dual Mode Analog Two Way Radio Dual Time Slot Ham Radio 1024 Channels

DMR Radio Digital Walkie Talkie Dual Mode Analog Two Way Radio Dual Time Slot Ham Radio 1024 Channels

Baofeng DM-32UV APRS GPS Walkie Talkie DMR 10W Bluetooth APP Programming Recording AM FM NOAA Type-C Charging Radio

Bluetooth Programming / Multi Band / Wireless Copy Frequency / Type-C Ham Radio

Baofeng UV-32 Walkie Talkie GPS 10W Bluetooth APP Programming Recording AM FM NOAA Type-C Charging Radio

Bluetooth Programming / Multi Band / Wireless Copy Frequency / Type-C Ham Radio

Baofeng UV26 GPS Walkie Talkie Multi Band Phone APP Wireless Programming Recording 10W Type-C AM FM Long Range Ham Two Way Radio

GPS Walkie Talkie Multi Band Phone APP Wireless Programming Recording 10W Type-C AM FM Long Range Ham Two Way Radio

Motorola XiR V16 High Power Handheld Two Way Radio

Very easy to use,even for beginners,Practical, just use it, there are 16 channels.

DM9100 25W 4FSK/FM VHF/UHF Wide-band Reception Dual Time Slots Dual Standby Dual Display Digital + Analog Mode GPS APRS

DM9100 25W 4FSK/FM VHF/UHF Wide-band Reception Dual Time Slots Dual Standby Dual Display Digital + Analog Mode GPS APRS

Baofeng UV 28 Pro Max Walkie Talkie High Capacity USB Type-C Charging High Power NOAA 999 Channel Two Way Radio Long Range DTMF

Baofeng UV 28 Pro Max Walkie Talkie High Capacity USB Type-C Charging High Power NOAA 999 Channel Two Way Radio Long Range DTMF

Xiegu G106C Portable SDR Shortwave Radio 5W HF Transceiver QRP WFM Radio FT8

Xiegu G106C Portable SDR Shortwave Radio 5W HF Transceiver QRP WFM Radio FT8

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Yaesu FT-70D Walkie Talkie C4FM FM Dual-Band Digital Two Way Radio​

Compatible with conventional FM mode and YAESU C4FM digital mode
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Talkpod N50 Android Phone Zello PTT Network Radio

N50 can comply up to IP67 the highest dust and waterproof standard, bring you reliable experience of talking at long distance.
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RECENT RS-37M IPX7 VHF Handheld Marine Radio

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Senhaix N60 Android 7.0 4G LTE Vehicle Phone Radio for Zello PTT Network

It is a mobile network radio with a large display!
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Motorola XIR M3688 Mobile Radio Digital Walkie Talkie Analog Two Way Radio

a reliable, cost-efficient solution to keep your team in contact so they can communicate, coordinate and collaborate for maximum efficiency and safety.
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Boxchip S700B 4G LTE Android Zello POC Mobile Phone Radio

The Boxchip S700B is an advanced professional handheld 4G LTE radio.
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QYT KT-5800 UHF VHF Dual Band Mini 25W Mobile Radio 12V 24V​ Car Radio

12/24V can connect to the TRUCK CAR directly without additional transformer
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Recent RS-978 SSB SDR Radio HF 1.8-30MHz Transceiver with 3800mAh Li-ion Battery Pack

Recent RS-978 SSB SDR Radio HF 1.8-30MHz Transceiver with 3800mAh Li-ion Battery Pack
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QYT KT-8R Quad-Band 136-147MHz 400-470MHz 220-270MHz 350-390MHz Walkie Talkie Handheld Two-way Radio

4 Band 136-147MHz 400-470MHz 220-270MHz 350-390MHz Police Frenqucy Quad Band Handheld Two Way Radio​
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Baofeng UV-5RX3 Tri-Band 136-174/200-260/400-520 Portable Walkie Talkie VFO Two way Radio

UV-5RX3 a Tri-Band Handheld Walkie-Talkie,affording VHF 1.25M UHF.It has a similar design to 5R-Plus
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Baofeng BF-A55 Plus VHF/UHF Dual Band Two-way radio VFO Walkie Talkie

Update Version Baofeng BF-A55 Plus V/U VFO Portable Dual Band Transceiver
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Anytone AT-779 VHF UHF 70CM Micro-sized Car Radio Amateur Mobile Transceiver

Brand new on to the market, this new Micro-sized 70cm mobile is so small you wont believe how tiny it is
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Anytone AT-D878UV GPS DMR VFO Operation Dual Band Two Way Radio

In contrast to many other DMR devices, the D878UV offers true VFO operation.
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W5 Zello Android 6.0 Walkie Talkie UHF 400-470MHz 3G GSM WCDMA Unlock Phone

Walkie Talkie 20KM IP67 Waterproof Phone 5000mah Battery 5MP Camera Android 6 smartphone
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GT-10F UHF VHF Two Way Radio 10 Watts Handheld Walkie Talkie

Hidden LCD Display UHF Two Way Radio Active View Display Handheld VHF Walkie Talkie
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Baofeng BF-T99 Mini Walkie Talkie Flagship Handheld Two Way Radio

Two Way Radio Flagship Version Mini Portable Handheld Interphone Pofung Transceiver LED Flashlight
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QYT K1 Dual PTT Rainproof mini Two Way Radio UHF 400-470MHz Handheld Walkie Talkie

QYT K1 Dual PTT Rainproof Mini Portable Walkie Talkie
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Baofeng T6 Mini Walkie Talkie 0.5W Kids Handheld Two Way Radio

Two Way Radio VOX Alarm LED Flashlight Key Lock Interphone Communicator
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Baofeng UV-9R Plus IP67 Waterproof UHF VHF Dual Band Two Way Radio Handheld Walkie Talkie

IP67 waterproof and dustproof Relay Forwarding Confirmed ANI DTMF Code
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BaoFeng UV-6RA Walkie Talkie Portable Radio VHF UHF Handheld For Hunting Transceiver

BaoFeng UV-6RA Walkie Talkie Portable Radio VHF UHF Handheld For Hunting Transceiver
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